Tuesday, 3 March 2009

So Here We Go!


Right, as I have failed at getting this to show the comics it was intended for without it looking all wrong and have been promised a shiney pretty website, I'm just going to start using this for whatever the hell I feel like. Today it's this:

Abstergent - Cleansing.

Agrestic - Rural.

Apodeictic - Unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration.

Caducity - Perishableness.

Caliginosity - Dimness.

Compossible - Possible in coexistence with something else.

Embrangle - To confuse.

Exuviate - To shed.

Fatidical - Prophetic.

Fubsy - Squat.

Griseous - Somewhat grey.

Malison - A curse.

Mansuetude - Gentleness.

Muliebrity - The condition of being a woman.

Niddering - Cowardly.

Nitid - Bright.

Olid - Foul-smelling.

Oppugnant - Combative.

Periapt - An amulet.

Recrement - Refuse.

Roborant - Tending to fortify.

Skirr - A whirring sound, as of the wings of birds in flight.

Vaticinate - Prophesy.

Vilipend - To treat with contempt.

These are just some of the words being kicked out the dictionary to make way for new words like Celebutante (Don't approve) and Riffage (Do approve).

Everyone should try and use these words as much as possible, the good ones, like FUBSY anyway!

Here is a picture of a kitten in a wine glass , which officially means you cannot be cross with me for failing at computers, cute cat pictures ARE the internet.

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