I raided some bits of an old scrap book.
Here is my cat (currently sat awkwardly on my lap...) wanting me to stop sitting in the comfy chair. I was watching Rushmore (If you haven't seen it, do.) with a big gin. I wasn't moving.
This is the beginning design for a picture for my sister. She got a Uke for her birthday. I may put the finished picture up sometime. Following are some character ideas from the ACTUAL COMIC oh yes, oh yes! They are based on insults. I understand they will be drawn better and funnier as they will have words and other thing in order to amuse you.
These are going to be internet insults.
Then we have Old fashioned insults (I fucking love calling people a blaggard.) & mexican insults, otherwise known as "Swearing Like Line Chef." Go read Athony Bordain's Kitchen Confidential and think of me spitting in your chips my little lovelys!
The last lot are my favourite to draw character Eddy. They are all deffanitions of the word GONZO. Prizes for guessing them all. BIG prizes for all you horrid fubsy monkeys who know what DVDA is.
I believe I can think of three more definitions. Can you?
I have two seperate nuggets of music for you today. One is in honour of both BILL MURRAY & WES ANDERSON (Both starred & directed, respectively, in Rushmore.)
The soundtrack to The Life Aquatic, because it's good:
Then we have Coconut Records (No I don't get the name either.) Jason Schwartman's musical whatever because he is the star of Rushmore & I'd like to forgive him for being the drummer in the band that did the theme tune to the OC which I didn't like one bit. Not one bit (The OC not the song):
Obvs feeling quite queit and sugary today. I promise something very loud next time.
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